Saturday, February 18, 2012

The beginning

I am a notoriously bad blogger. Actually I am just bad at keeping anything up at all beyond the very basics of survival. So now I am going to attempt to use this thing that I'm bad at to fix the other things that I'm bad at. Good luck?

So don't screw what up? What's it? It = everything. Life in general. Since having my second baby four months ago I've really noticed that things around here just don't get done. We are all fed and relatively clean, but I want more than that. I want good health, organization, financial strength. I want to enjoy every day.

I don't expect anyone to read this. It will probably be boring. But hopefully the mere thought that someone might see it will be enough to keep it up.

Sooo...things I need to fix:
Health: I have fibrolepsy (that's fibromyalgia and epilepsy). I see doctors for neither of these conditions. So clearly I need to find a neurologist. This will hopefully put me on the path to driving again. I need a naturopath for the fibromyalgia. Maybe said NF can also help with figuring out what do about my food intolerances.

I need to be less fat. I have 23 lbs of baby weight I'm still hauling around. Blah blah you're breast feeding and shouldn't worry about it. Unfortunately there is a part of my brain that translates that to "you can eat two dozen peanut butter cookies this weekend".

I can't see properly. Yeah.

My teeth are cavity prone so I need to crank up my dental routine.

Financial: I know you aren't "supposed" to talk about this stuff but if I don't share I won't change. My husband makes a nice six figure salary and we have next to no savings and are still in debt (car and student loans). This seems really stupid to me. So fix that.

Organization: The house is a cluttered mess. I can't even remember to hang a picture on the wall. We don't have a will. No seriously. Two kids, no will. Because I always forget about it. The mail is everywhere. I don't even know what happens with the bills.

That's the basics. So I'm going to do weekly challenges to try and make some changes. Wish me luck!

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