Monday, April 9, 2012


Well I haven't been around in a while. We went on holiday. That was pretty fabulous. Nephew squish! And then of course there was Easter. I'm not religious but I like a good egg hunt.

Here's what's up with me: I have had a huge flare of joint pain in the past few weeks. My knees are particularly bad and I am pretty sure I have some sort of arthritis. I know, go to the doctor. I have to psych myself up for it because of how nasty they were when this first came up almost 8 years ago. One can only be told she's crazy so many times before she actually does go crazy.

In the meantime I'm going to start transitioning to an anti-inflammatory diet. This will eventually mean veganism, but not while breastfeeding. I just need animal product right now. This month I will work on dropping coffee. Next month I will nix tomatoes (not a problem for everyone, but definitely for me) and start phasing out dairy. This pretty much blows, but if I see improvement in pain then it's worth it.

On the money front things are going well. I just want to keep saving to pay off a student loan in the summer. Definitely on track.

On the home front we need blinds!!! It's making me nuts. And now that littlest lovely can amuse herself for a few minutes, time for a cleaning schedule. That will help me feel better too. Small jobs are easier than doing everything at once.

So this weeks challenges:
-coffee only in the morning
-heck, let's do another: red meat only once
-order those freaking blinds
-start back with the flylady program for cleaning

1 comment:

  1. Veganism will make you feel soooooo good. I promises.

    Except every so often you will want fish. Whenever I wanted fish, I decided it was my body's way of telling me I needed fish and so I ate it. Raw and tasty.

