Monday, March 12, 2012


You will notice I have not weighed in a while. Well. This morning I was 152.6. So since I started this thing I have lost .2 of a lb. Awesome. I blame this on feeding a cold and a certain little thing called "brownie pie". STAY AWAY FROM THE FOOD SECTION OF PINTEREST. See the problem is I go there for household organization tips and end up getting fat.

Things have not been too swell around here (aside from my little visit from a good friend last week). I have been sick. The husband has been sick. The kids have been sick. I can't tell you how many times I've been vomited on in the past few days. But we did manage to do something. We hung pictures! The couch that we've had for 10 months now has pictures hung to go with it rather than the old couch. And our older daughter has pictures on her bedroom walls that have been lying in the closet since September! Thank goodness the younger one isn't old enough to know that her room is still a glorified storage closet.

Oh, and good news on the financial front! It looks like I will pay off one of my student loans this summer and the other one next summer, unless something crazy happens.

Also must add that freezer meals are rocking my socks.

Goals this week:
-Make lists of things remaining to be done in each room and make a timeline to finish them (this will be loooong term)
-Get back on MFP (that's my fitness planner) and log those meals to avoid consumption of brownie pie
-Family evening walks whenever the husband is in town (and even when he is not so long as the snow is gone...please will the snow be gone soon?)
-Book freaking hair appointment

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Colds are for chumps

Holy moly. What a week. I ended getting really ill so my picture projects were put on hold. The good news? I still managed to drag myself to Costco to pick up all the food for The Big Cook. Costco. Shudder. Bad enough at the best if times. Really bad with a toddler screeching for a snack every time you pass a sample person.

Am I the only person who feels sorry for the people with the lame samples? This week in the baked goods section there was a woman with pain au chocolat (best food ever) and a man with toast. He actually looked sad. The toddler isn't picky though, so he had one happy customer.

So that was yesterday. Last night I did some prep work and today I just cooked. I started at 7am, went to 5 and stopped only for an hour total to feed myself and the baby. It was nuts. My ankles are swollen. I have a headache from squinting (really looking forward to the optometrist). But I don't have to cook for the rest of the month! You're jealous, right? You should be. Favourite dishes were the Guinness stew, chicken enchiladas, and the breakfast sandwiches. Hey, maybe I should link some recipes? I'll eat them first. Stay tuned!